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[ARPE] [2014-2015] Gravity currents : Theoretical modelling and numerical analysis

Arnold WAKIM

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Arnold WAKIM a effectué son année ARPE au sein de l'UCSB (University of California Santa Barbara) en 2014-2015.

University of California Santa BarbaraGravity currents refer to flows in a gravitational field. Such flows are driven by a density difference where a denser fluid propagates through a lighter fluid, and the motion is therefore
mainly in the horizontal direction.
For example, pouring water on a plane forms a gravity current because of the density difference between water and air.
From pyroclastic flows to submarine avalanches, gravity currents occur in a wide variety of natural scenarii. Therefore it is essential to study such currents.
Type :
Étude / rapport
Dates :
Dernière mise à jour le 20 janvier 2015
Informations complémentaires :
Arnold Wakim est parti début octobre 2014 pour une durée de 10 mois.

Son année ARPE a été encadrée par :
  • Pr. Eckart Meiburg
  • Mohamad M. Nasr-Azadani
  • Rachid Bennacer (ENS Cachan)


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